
Theoretical Foundations of Adaptive Learning Environments

 Theoretical Foundations of Adaptive Learning Environments Adaptive learning is based on a set of theoretical foundations and principles that support and support it and explain the learning processes in these environments. These foundations and principles can be presented as follows: 1- Principles of Constructivism Theory[1]: The constructivist theory of learning relies on the adaptations resulting […]

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The Importance of Cloud Computing Applications in Education

 The Importance of Cloud Computing Applications in Education The importance of cloud computing applications in the educational process, as well as training students of education technology to use it in the production and dissemination of electronic content, is divided into importance for the trainer, second for the student trainee, and third for the educational institution.

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Moodle E-learning Management System

 Moodle E-learning Management System The word Moodle is an abbreviation for Modular Object Dynamic Learning Environment, and the Moodle system is a software package provided through the World Wide Web that allows viewing and managing electronic courses in an integrated manner. In terms of managing users, managing educational material, managing communication, communication between teacher and

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Moodle System Core Components

 Moodle System Core Components The Moodle system virtual learning environment contains a set of components called the Moodle system components, which are based on the number of tools available within the system, which enable the learner to interact, communicate, as well as view and participate in the course information. Moodle System Components: The most important

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Characteristics of The Cloud Computing Environment

 Characteristics of The Cloud Computing Environment There are many distinctive characteristics of the cloud computing environment, from being a way to provide computer applications to users without the need to purchase, install, or support software on their computers, servers, or others; From here, educational institutions tended to take advantage of their applications in the process,

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Theoretical Foundations That Support Cloud Computing

 Theoretical Foundations That Support Cloud Computing By looking at the learning theories closely related to the current study, it was found that the social cognitive theory is the closest theories that support learning in the cloud computing environment. Through his interaction with information and with the experiences of others, and not through the formation of

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