The Gardens of Étretat in Normandy France

 The Gardens of Étretat in Normandy France

 Are you going to discover Étretat soon? Don’t miss the Jardins d’Étretat, a magnificent discovery not to be missed if you come to Normandy to visit the town of Étretat.

If you don’t know what to do in Étretat, I suggest you discover with my article the magnificent Jardins d’Étretat located on the cliff of Amont, not far from the Chapelle Notre Dame de la Garde.

The visit is worth the detour, on the way to this magnificent discovery…

The Gardens of Étretat, a recent creation

If you have ever visited Étretat, you may have never heard of the Jardins d’Étretat and for good reason! The site is quite recent, the opening to the public only took place in September 2016.

The Gardens of Étretat in Normandy France

The history of these gardens goes back more than 113 years. It was in 1905 that Madame Thébault, a famous actress, and Auguste Lecanue, a landscape gardener from a neighboring village, planted the first tree on the Amont cliff. Madame Thébault had a villa built on the Amont cliff, the Villa Roxelane. Subsequently, it was Anne Louvel who took care of Madame Thébault’s dream gardens.

In 2013, a Russian landscape architect named Alexandre Grivko acquired the land and the Roxelane villa. With his team, they restored the gardens of the villa Roxelane to offer unique gardens of their kind, all on an exceptional site on the cliff of Amont.

These gardens are today the expression of the meeting of art and nature. In short, a great discovery, let’s go for the visit of the Gardens of Étretat. 🙂

Discovering the Gardens of Étretat

These new gardens are a veritable open-air museum. In one hour, you will be able to discover the Gardens of Étretat, the various works of art on display, but also move around the different spaces of these gardens:

* the Avatar Garden with its hundred-year-old trees
* the Emotions Garden, very surprising with its sculptures in the shape of a human head
* the Elements Garden with its sublime view of the cliffs of Étretat
* the Garden of Embraces
* the Orchid Garden
* the sound garden
* the Garden of the Sounds of Nature.

Each Garden offers its own atmosphere and its own style. The walk is pleasant and for about 1 hour you will be transported to different worlds during this visit to the Gardens of Étretat.

This is what Alexandre Grivko wanted to highlight. A garden symbol of harmony and respect in the relationship between man and nature.

The Gardens of Étretat in Normandy France

The Gardens are thus divided into different worlds and you will pass from one to the other at the bend of a path or by passing under arches of Taxus baccata for example (which of course recall the famous arches of Étretat).

The Gardens are confusing, you really believe you are out of time. It is reminiscent of the ocean since they are built on a slope of the Amont cliff and the sizes of the plants are made to recall the movement of the waves and the tide. It’s subtle and nicely done. 🙂

One of the most important works in the garden and the most striking in my opinion is the work of Samuel Salcedo, the Raindrops. These are human faces that represent various human emotions, sometimes peaceful, sometimes worried or smiling.

These human figures are scattered in the Emotion Garden, in the middle of cut boxwood 🙂 A beautiful and surprising effect!

You can visit the Gardens throughout the year, even if there are periods when it is much more pleasant with the flowering of the magnificent orchids, rhododendrons, camellias and other azaleas.

The rest of the year, the atmosphere of the Jardins d’Étretat is nonetheless very pleasant!

The discovery of the Gardens of Étretat is a beautiful quiet walk over more than 7000 m² in contact with nature and contemporary art.

Throughout the year, the Gardens host events, music concerts and other outdoor performances are planned. You will have to consult the program directly on the official website or follow the Facebook page of the Jardins d’Étretat.

An incredible view

It should also be noted that from the Gardens, you have an incredible view of the famous cliffs of Étretat. Rather than using words to describe the view, here is a small photo. 🙂

The Gardens of Étretat in Normandy France

View of the cliffs of Etretat from the gardens

The view of the beach and the needle of Étretat is breathtaking and we could stay there for hours. Simply to let yourself be carried by the wind and the movements of the ocean.

We understand better why famous artists like Claude Monet succumbed to this magical place.

Moreover, it is here that he painted his famous painting “Sunset at Étretat”. You will find in the Gardens, at this very place, a bamboo sculpture of the Wiktor Szostalo article representing Monet painting his work.

It must be said that the location is exceptional since you have a panoramic view of the cliffs of Etretat, the city and the beach. With a beautiful sun, what more could you ask for during your visit to Étretat.

The Gardens of Étretat: practical information

The Jardins d’Étretat are located at the top of the Amont cliff. The entrance is right next to the Notre Dame de la Garde Chapel.

If you come by car, a large car park is available behind the Chapel.
When you are on the beach of Étretat, you can walk up the cliff of Amont. It is very accessible.

Approximate visit time: 1 hour

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Prices: €8 for adults and €5 for children

During your visit, you will be given a paper guide including a detailed plan and more information on the different universes of the Gardens.

Address: Les Jardins d’Étretat – Avenue Damilaville – 76790 Étretat – FRANCE


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