What is an example of a measurable SMART goal?

 What is an Example Of A Measurable SMART goal?

 SMART Goals: Example Of A Measurable Goal (SMARTModel)

What is an Example Of A Measurable SMART goal?

Smart goals move you from planning and idea to reality. Every successful business has a set of clear steps that lead to achieving specific goals, but many small businesses don’t bother to set a clear specific goal. What is the smart way to formulate goals?

In this article, you will learn about the SMART model and an example of a measurable goal, and you will be able to set a SMART goal.

The SMART model: Examples of SMART goals in action

The term SMART goal refers to the planning process applied by a small business. This process measures five criteria for evaluating the goal and determining its feasibility (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely). To ensure that your goals are truly smart and reachable, each goal must meet these five criteria:

1. Specific (simple, reasonable, important).
2. Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
3. Achievable (agreed and achievable).
4. Relevant (reasonable and realistic, linked to the individual’s reality and resources).
5. Time-bound (present-day, time- and cost-specific, time-sensitive).

1. Examples of SMART goals in action:

* Example of a measurable goal

Goal: Imagine that you are currently a sales representative and would like to become a sales manager.

1. The goal is specific: The specific goal could be “I want to gain the necessary skills and experience to become a sales manager within my organization.”

2. Measurable: You may measure your goal of acquiring the skills to become chief marketing officer by determining that you have completed the necessary training courses and gained relevant experience within five years.

3. Achievable: You may need to ask yourself whether developing the skills required to become a Chief Marketing Officer is realistic, based on your existing experience and qualifications. For example, do you have the time to effectively complete the required training? Are the necessary resources available to you? Can you afford it?

4. Relevant: You may want to acquire the skills to become Head of Marketing within your organization, but is it the right time to undertake the required training, or work toward additional qualifications? Are you sure you are the right person for Head of Marketing?

5. Time-bound: Gaining the skills to become a chief marketing officer may require additional training or experience, as mentioned earlier. How long will it take to get these skills? Do you need further training, in order to be eligible for certain exams or qualifications? It is important to give yourself a realistic time frame to achieve the smaller goals needed to achieve your ultimate goal.

* Another example of a Smart Measurable Goal

Goal: I want to increase the sales of my online store

 * Specific: In our most recent financial report, online store sales were low, we need to improve store performance to increase profits.

* Measurable: By next year we should be able to raise profits by 150%.

* Achievable: Improving marketing and sales plans has a major role in raising profits.

* Relevant: working to raise sales and increase profits helps in the growth and development of the store.

* Exact time: Within 6 months we should be able to achieve the required ratio.

You can phrase the goal in one description like this: To grow my store’s profit I need to improve sales by developing a marketing strategy, and by offering quality products. Where the marketing plan will be implemented within 3 months and the deadline: the middle of the fiscal year.

* Disclaimer: Like anything in the business world, SMART goals can change, so you must be willing to evaluate your goals and change them according to requirements, your business is changing, and personal goals are evolving so it is possible that the goal you set 6 months ago no longer makes sense now.

In fact, the Smart Goals chart helps us stay away from vague goals and realize that there is no achievement without achieving the goals. Smart goals can easily and simply be applied at work and in all areas of our personal lives.

2. Smart goals worksheet pdf

* You can download a copy of the smart goals worksheet pdf for printing

* You can download the smart goals checklist ready to review your goals (for downloading and printing)

3. The principles of the SMART goals model

SMART goals or SMART is a word made up of letters to facilitate the process of remembering the characteristics of a SMART goal. The first to use this term was Dr. George Doran. This term is used in setting goals whether at the level of companies, projects, or even individuals.

 1. Specific

You will only have a vague idea of ​​what you hope to achieve when you start setting goals, but over time, you should aim for as specific a goal as possible.

The specific goal should explain what you want to achieve, why the goal is important, and how you intend to achieve the goal. Great goals are always specific and focused.

2. Measurable

You must know without any doubt whether you have succeeded in achieving your goal or not, and therefore you will need to find a way to measure the progress that you have made towards achieving this goal, and evaluate the final result that you have reached.

A measurable goal should include a plan with sub-goals and milestones that assure you that you’re on the right track and let you know exactly when the process of achieving the goal will be completed.

A goal without a measurable result is like a sports competition without points or goals. Numbers are an essential part of business, so be sure to include specific numbers in your goals to help you know if you are close to achieving your goal.

3. Attainable

Business goals may be difficult or challenging at times, and push you out of the area you feel comfortable in, but if the goals and indicators you set are unrealistic, you will only achieve failure.

An achievable goal should be realistic and include a plan that breaks down your overall goal into smaller goals and achievable action steps that use the time and resources available to you within the timeline you set.

Small businesses often set goals beyond their capabilities, no one built a multibillion-dollar business overnight. It’s okay for your dream to be big, and to wish to achieve the impossible, but always be realistic.

4. Important and related to the reality of the individual (Relevant).

The importance and relevance of the business goal to other life factors will determine the possibility of achieving this goal. Goals that are not compatible with other factors affecting your work, directly or indirectly, are usually unattainable goals.

Achievable business goals depend on the current business climate conditions and realities. You may want to achieve your best years in business, or increase your revenue by 50%, but if the economic climate is depressed and three new competitors enter the market, your goals will not be related to the reality of the market.

5. Within a time frame

Business goals cannot be endlessly extended, each goal must be specific to a certain period of time, the time frame may vary from weeks to months or years, depending on the type of your goal, but the specific time frame is very necessary to adhere to the goal, and the existence of a deadline motivates you on work performance.

Your goal should include a specific time period, and a specific timeline for performing each step in the process. Whether your goal is to increase revenue by 20%, or find 5 new customers, choose a timeframe that achieves your goal.

After you make sure that your goals adhere to the criteria of SMART goals, divide each goal into a set of specific tasks and activities that will help you achieve your goals as a whole. You should also review your goals periodically, and make adjustments to them as necessary. Setting goals for your small business is an essential tool for success. So make sure you always deal smart.