

How do you create learning content?

 How do you create learning content? Create and review mobile learning content The production of mobile content passes through stages, including the usual stages of project management according to the ADDIE model, which include: Analysis Design Development Implementation Impalement Calendar Evaluation Analysis: The analysis processes that were done before must be utilized if the electronic […]

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Best E-learning Standards

 Best E-learning Standards Standards are a very important topic for e-learning, as they are the key to merging and matching content from several sources, so it is possible to develop interchangeable contents as long as they are subject to the same standards, which contributes to reuse, assembly and disassembly easily and quickly. Relying on approved

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Digital Learning Objects Are The Basic Building Blocks Of The Elements Of The Digital Curriculum

 Digital Learning Objects Are The Basic Building Blocks Of The Elements Of The Digital Curriculum Educational and training institutions invest huge amounts of money in e-learning, amounting to millions of dollars, and an educational institution is no longer devoid of an electronic educational or training program in addition to the regular program. digital digital curriculum

Digital Learning Objects Are The Basic Building Blocks Of The Elements Of The Digital Curriculum Read More »

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