Best Countries For Investment 2023 | Best Countries For Small Investment

 Best Countries For Investment 2023 | Best Countries For Small Investment

 Which country is best to invest now?


Best Countries For Investment 2023 | Best Countries For Small Investment

Forbes released a list of the best countries for investment, which were arranged according to fifteen different factors, including property rights, innovation, taxes, technology, corruption, freedom (personal, commercial, and monetary) and investor protection. Forbes changed its methodology this year for the first time after a decade, and this resulted in excluding the performance of the financial market and adding the workforce, infrastructure, market size, quality of life, and political risks to provide a better measure of the country’s attractiveness to capital investment.

The best country for investment in the world during 2023

The United Kingdom has become the best country for investment in the world and for the first time is ranked first in the annual “Forbes” survey of the best countries attracting investment, which came among the best 25 countries (out of 153 countries) in each of the fifteen measures that were tracked. The UK scores well in technological readiness (4th place) and the size and education of the workforce (3rd place). Its $2.6 trillion economy is the fifth largest in the world. London is a European financial services hub.

New Zealand occupies second place for the third year in a row, and despite its population reaching only 4.5 million people, the economy rose by about 3.6% last year.

New Zealand has transformed from an agricultural economy to an industrial and free market economy over the past four decades, privatizing dozens of previously government-controlled industries such as airlines, insurance, banking and telecoms, and scoring first on measures of red tape, corruption and property rights.

The United States has fallen from the first place it occupied in 2006 to the twenty-third place last year due to the high level of red tape and bureaucracy, along with a decrease in trade and monetary freedom.

But the $18.6 trillion economy is moving to 11th place this year thanks to improved scores for the rest of the world on technological readiness, innovation and free trade.

While China and Japan rank 66th and 21st respectively among the best countries for doing business.

China suffers from a lack of trade and monetary freedom, and Japan has cut its corporate tax rate by 8% since 2012, but the tax burden still lags behind the vast majority of developed countries, according to the World Bank.

The UAE is considered the best country for investment in the Arab world, as it has become a rich investment environment at the regional and international levels, as the UAE topped the Arab countries in the ease of doing business for both local and foreign investors.

Ranking of the best countries to invest in the world 2023

The best countries for investment

Country           GDP growth                    GDP per capita (thousands of dollars)
1 United Kingdom     1.8%                                            39.9
2 New Zealand         3.6%                                            39.4
3 The Netherlands    2.2%                                            45.3
4 Sweden,               3.2%,                                           51.6%
5 Canada                1.5%                                             42.2
6 Hong Kong,          2%,                                               43.7
7 Denmark             1.7%                                              53.4
8 Ireland                5.1%                                              61.6%
9 Singapore            2%                                                53.0
10 Switzerland       1.4%                                              78.8

The best African countries for investment

African countries – whether they are located in southern, western, northern or eastern Africa – are achieving remarkable progress and have become a haven for investment. RMB Bank recently issued its report on the best African countries for investment and assessed economic prospects and investment opportunities in the continent. (To see: The best investment opportunities in Africa)

The best country for investment in the Arab world

The best Arab countries to invest in 2023

 Country                  GDP growth                            GDP (thousands of dollars)

31 UAE                             3%                                                 37.6
40 Qatar                           2.2%                                              59.3
47 Oman,                         3%,                                                15.0
50 Saudi Arabia                1.7%                                               20.0
53 Bahrain                       3%                                                  22.4
55 Morocco                      1.2%                                               2.8
67 Jordan                         2%                                                 4.1

73 Kuwait                         2.5%                                              38.6
96 Tunisia                         1%                                                 3.7
98 Lebanon                       1%                                                 7.9
101 Egypt                         4.3%                                              3.5
124 Algeria                       3.3%                                              3.8
148 Yemen –                     9.8%                                              1.0
149 Libya –                       3%                                                 3.1