Explanation of how to profit from Native Ads, explaining the mechanism of work 2023

 Explanation of how to profit from Native Ads, explaining the mechanism of work 2023


How to profit from Native Ads….. The profit opportunity for local advertising greatly exceeds the profit potential for traditional advertising. This is due to the intense interaction with consumers through the content in the original advertisement. Therefore, compared to traditional advertising, experts suggested the mechanism of being able to integrate content to them naturally and intuitively to consumers is the main reason behind their superiority over traditional advertising (such as banner ads, etc.).


1 Profit from Native Ads using mediafem

2 The amount of earnings from Native ads through the MediaFem platform

3 Profit from Native ads step by step via Facebook and Twitter

4 ways to profit from ads

Profit from Native Ads using mediafem

MediaFem is one of the most powerful advertising platforms for website and blog publishers because it allows publishers to earn revenue
financial through ad space between their content.

And publishers get 70% of the revenue paid by advertisers on the platform.

All you have to do is place the original ad code provided by MediaFem on your blog or website somewhere, and then wait for your visitors to click on it.

The MediaFem platform uses complex algorithms to match the content posted on a website or blog with relevant local ads.

This may be of interest to consumers. Advertisers have to copy and paste the ad code given by the platform to the specified site.

Show and wait to click and earn money.

The amount of earnings from Native ads via the MediaFem platform

The amount of revenue from using the MediaFem platform is related to the number of clicks on local ads.

Which means that the website allows publishers to post about 6 ads on each website.

This is the daily increase in traffic to the publisher’s content by website or blog. Free registration on the MediaFem online platform can increase the number of clicks and increase earnings.

Profit from Native ads step by step via Facebook and Twitter

The main structure of native social media ads includes image or video URL links with descriptive instructions.

which advertisers then send to the Facebook API to display interests in posts based on consumers’ priorities.

Profits for businesses and advertisers will increase as more consumers click native ads.
This type is called closed native advertising.

Brand owners or advertisers must create personal data personally before offering it to consumers, and this is considered one of the best ways to profit from Native Ads.

For websites and blogs, publishers use Open Native Ads.

Which allows publishers to create their own content and display native ads in other content.

The best examples of open native ads are Disqus and Outbrain

Ways to profit from ads

As native ads entered website portals, web pages and social networks, we observed user interaction.

So it is much easier to connect with someone who has an interactive influence and is really looking for the service/product you offer and he doesn’t know you in a specific brand.

The important thing about this type of ads is that native ads use an algorithm that can segment your marketing activities into people who are interested in your products, like how to earn from Native Ads.

The algorithm takes into account many factors and likes of users, such as the information people provide on social networks and the searches they make on Google.

Native ads are part of a page’s content, which is why they’re so accepted.

And because it’s a non-intrusive advertisement, you can attract more potential consumers, because these ads will direct the right content to everyone through the most appropriate channels.

Just as if you are in the right place and provide the right information. Show you people on a specific page.

Finally, we have come to the end of our topic, in which we discussed how to profit from Native Ads, and explained the mechanism of action. We hope you like the article, stay well.
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