The 10 cheapest universities in Russia and the tuition costs in each of them

 The 10 cheapest universities in Russia and the tuition costs in each of them


Russia is one of the best study destinations for high-quality education and very low tuition fees. Getting a solid education does not require paying large sums of money, and studying in Russia is a perfect example of that. Although costs are generally low in all Russian universities, some universities may be considered too expensive for some, so through this article we will talk about the 10 cheapest universities in Russia and maybe you will find the perfect one for you!

How is the education system in Russia?

The bachelor’s degree is the first stage of the European Bologna system of higher education, which Russia joined in 2003. Russia’s accession to the Bologna system has made it easier for foreign applicants to enter Russian universities.

The Russian higher education system consists of three stages – bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate studies. With the exception of medical specialties and some technical specializations, the educational process is still ongoing within the framework of specialization or specialization programmes.
  • The duration of study in undergraduate programs in Russia is four years and includes the study of basic and specialized subjects chosen by the student. A bachelor’s degree allows further study towards a master’s degree, but does not confer the right to enroll in a postgraduate (PhD) department.
  • Specialist degree programs (duration of 5-6 academic years) graduates are awarded a specialist diploma, which gives the right to continue studying in a master’s program or postgraduate department.
  • The Master’s degree is a continuation of the Bachelor’s program, according to a 2 + 4 level system (4 years Bachelor + 2 years Master), which allows to obtain deeper and more specialized knowledge. You can also earn a bachelor’s degree in one discipline and at the same time enroll in a master’s degree in another. It is a unique opportunity to broaden your knowledge and gain new qualifications.
  • Postgraduate studies are the third level of higher education in Russia. Upon completion of studies at the postgraduate department, after defense of the final thesis, the graduate is awarded the title of candidate of sciences, which in the Bologna education system is equivalent to a doctoral degree.
What are the cheapest universities in Russia for international students?

Russia is the largest country in the world, and according to statistics, there are more than 1,100 higher education institutions, so it is difficult to determine the 10 cheapest universities in Russia with 100 percent accuracy because study costs vary from region to region and from one stage of study to another, and they also differ from one major to another. last.
  1. Tomsk Polytechnic University
  2. Far Eastern Federal University
  3. Herzen University
  4. ITMO University (St. Petersburg National Research University)
  5. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
  6. Ural Federal University
  7. Kazan Federal University
  8. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
  9. Southern Federal University
  10. Altai State Technical University
Is it possible to study in Russia for free?

It can be said that the best way to study in Russia for free is scholarships, as the Russian government scholarship is one of the most famous funding grants from all over the world, and annually this scholarship receives no less than 15 thousand students from different countries of the world.

The Russian scholarship is distinguished by the fact that it includes relatively acceptable funding compared to many scholarships from around the world, as it includes a full tuition waiver, an exemption from fees for the preparatory year for the Russian language, university housing, and a monthly stipend. In addition, it is offered for all levels of study, including bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, specialized programs, clinical medical majors, and internship year.

Another option to fund your living and part of your studies in Russia is to work while you study. Where foreign students can work in Russia during their studies and working conditions depend on the type and location of work. In general, the student needs to obtain a permit to work while studying from the General Department for Migration Issues of the Russian Ministry of Interior.
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