Trading times in the Saudi market

 Trading times in the Saudi market


In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, there is only one stock market authorized to undertake the task of conducting and regulating all investment operations within the borders of the country. This market organizes the operations of listing, trading, deposit, transfer, clearing, settlement and registration of ownership of traded securities. It is also the only official and reliable source from which the investor can obtain all market information. The duties, responsibilities and legal conditions for this market are clearly defined in the Capital Market Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 30) on June 16, 2003, and it was established as a basis to constitute a means to achieve long-term growth plans for the group and the country and provide its shareholders Rewarding investment opportunities to build their wealth and achieve their financial plans. The Saudi market is among the largest markets in the world in terms of investment volume and market value. What are the trading times in the Saudi market and when does it open?
Trading times in the Saudi market

Before moving on to know the trading times in the Saudi market, let us first know the trading cycle in the Saudi stock market with the various phases it goes through.

Trading course in the Saudi stock market

First phase:

Investors place their desired buy and sell orders directly through the broker with whom they open their trading account.

The second phase:
Entering orders into the order management system through the broker, and then the broker transfers the orders after reviewing them from his system to the Saudi market trading system.
Third phase:
The Saudi market system for trading then matches the orders according to the prices, and then they are entered. For orders that have not been matched, they are executed only after they have been matched according to prices or after they have been withdrawn or expired.
Fourth stag
Matching orders constitute trading deals, which are then electronically transmitted to the Securities Clearing House.
Fifth phase:
The Securities Clearing Center issues the settlement instructions, and they are also sent electronically to the Securities Depository Center.
Sixth stage:
In this phase, deals are settled on two levels at the Central Securities Depository. The first level comprises the broker and clearing house at the level of delivery versus payment. The second is the level of the broker and the investor who has previously deposited the trading amount in his brokerage account. The cash settlement is then carried out by the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia.
When does the Saudi market open on holidays?
According to the official website of the Saudi market, the list of its official holidays includes:
Founding Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which falls on the 22nd of February.
The National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which falls on the 23rd of September.
The blessed Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha, whose dates are determined according to the Hijri calendar, and are announced at the time on the Saudi Tadawul website.
The Saudi market does not open during these holidays, meaning that it is closed during the holidays and official holidays.
The opening date of the Saudi market during the month of Ramadan
Today, Thursday, March 17, the Saudi market announced that the trading hours during the month of Ramadan will remain the same without any change, and that the stock markets, including the main market, and the parallel market, Nomu, will remain as follows:
The opening date of the Saudi stock market
The opening auction is from 09:30 am to 10:00 am.
The market opening time is from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Closing auction from 3:00 pm to 3:10 pm.
Trading on the closing price from 3:10 pm to 3:20 pm.
Post trading session from 03:20 pm to 4:00 pm.
The opening date of the Saudi ETF market
Before opening from 09:30 am to 10:00 am.
The market opening time is from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Post trading session from 03:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
The opening date of the Saudi market for sukuk and bonds
Before opening from 09:30 am to 10:00 am.
The market opening time is from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Post trading session from 03:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

When does the Saudi financial derivatives market open?
Before opening from 09:00 am to 09:30 am.
The market opening time is from 09:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Post trading session from 03:30 pm to 4:00 pm.

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