Wealth manager and wealth manager: what’s the difference?

 Wealth manager and wealth manager: what’s the difference?

Wealth manager and wealth manager: what's the difference?

Wealth manager or wealth manager, here are two terms with blurred boundaries. They are therefore often confused. And for good reason, they have the same objective: to advise their clients on their investments, their financial, real estate or even professional assets by defining their objectives, their investor profiles, and preserving their interests.

So what do these two finance specialists have in common? And what are their differences? We explain to you who you should contact depending on your situation.

The commonalities between asset and wealth managers

The wealth manager, like the wealth manager, works towards the same goal for his clients. Its job is to grow their assets, optimize taxation in the broad sense, ensure the transmission of assets by gift and inheritance, etc.

Varied knowledge and an updating of knowledge are therefore necessary to perform the job of wealth and wealth manager well. Finance, insurance, economic news, property law and tax law are therefore at the center of his concerns.

However, although these two profiles exercise a very similar profession, they do not have the same clients…

The differences between wealth and wealth manager

The main difference between Wealth Manager and Wealth Manager is the typology of clients they work with.

The wealth manager works with financially well-off households

Indeed, the asset manager receives fees, while the asset manager essentially receives commissions paid by service providers.

The wealth manager generally has a fairly large portfolio of clients, paying 2,500 euros or more in income tax per year. Its customers certainly have enviable incomes, but they are not necessarily part of the wealthiest classes.

He most often works for a bank or on his own account as a freelancer. If he is an employee, he is paid according to his experience and must offer the products of the company for which he works. If he is independent, he works with service providers who pay him on commission. He can sometimes receive fees for his work if his mission is to manage the products after their subscription.

The wealth manager works with the big fortunes

On the contrary, the wealth manager has few clients, but their wealth is high, in the order of 20 million euros or more. He may or may not be salaried, but his independence from the organizations with which he works is essential. He can therefore work for private banks or practice within a “family office”.

Sometimes remunerated as a percentage of the assets managed, he may have only one client, a large fortune over a billion euros, in his portfolio. In summary, the wealth manager is a wealth manager who specializes in the management of large portfolios, and knows his clients perfectly.

He is often called a confidant, he is a real ally and right arm to manage the finances of a family by knowing his secrets and his intimacy.


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